Ms. Margaret Nakato Scoops the Margarita Lizárraga Medal 2020-2021
Dear Partners,
It’s with great pleasure to inform you that the Hundred and Sixty-sixth Session of the FAO Council endorsed Nakato Margaret as the nominee for the recipient of the Margarita Lizárraga Medal for the biennium 2020-2021.
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The Award, established by the Conference in 1997 and is awarded by the Director-General FAO. The Medal pays tribute to the late Ms Margarita Saucedo Lizárraga, Senior FAO Fishery Liaison Officer, for her work in fostering the promotion of fisheries sector, especially in developing countries. Margaret was selected in recognition of her success through Katosi Women Development Trust, for organizing women in fishing communities to work together. She empowers them with knowledge, skills, access to training, markets and technology. Margaret was also recognized as an early partner in the development and implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines). More so, Margaret featured as a “food hero” during the 2020 World Food Day celebrations at FAO. She was commended as inspiring, positive and passionate, a mentor and a strong example for young women in small scale fisheries- all-important characteristics of a leaders who contributes to achieving responsible and sustainable fisheries. The Director-General awarded this medal to Margaret Nakato online on 19th of November 2021 at the launch of the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries 2021. The ceremony was attended by over 550 various stakeholders from around the globe.
A huge thank you is extended to you our partner(s) for your enormous contribution towards this achievement. Again, l congratulates the Executive Director of Katosi Women Development Trust, Nakato Margaret, for this outstanding accomplishment.
I welcome you to watch the FAO webcast here
Thanking you all our partners for your cooperation.
Dr. Rose Najjemba
Board of Directors
Katosi Women Development Trust