The program focuses on increasing women and female youths’ engagement in agroecology by increasing their access to key resources such as livestock, seedlings, knowledge and skills to support integrated agriculture production as well as access to equipment and processing technologies for value addition.
The program increases women and female youth’ engagement in existing co-management approaches, legal fisheries, access to legal fishing equipment and improved fishing processing technologies & skills as well as knowledge on legal framework. The program promotes networking of women in fisheries and empowers them to advocate for their rights. As an alternative source of fish stock for income and food, environmentally friendly/organic fish farming is promoted whilst preserving the local natural ecosystems.
To reduce the vulnerability of depending on a single income generating activity the program supports women and female youth in diverse economic activities including vocational skilling and cottage industries. The program is highly dependent on access to markets, which is enhanced through cooperative marketing strategies. Additionally, knowledge and skills development is enhanced through training, demonstration training and exchange visits.