Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH)
The program focuses on improvement of infrastructure in rural & fisher communities through construction of classrooms and WASH facilities. WASH in schools is promoted through the establishment and training of school sanitation clubs and engaging them in diverse activities. Farming to enhance local production of food by children to improve their access to nutritious meals while at school for effective learning is also strengthened. Co-curricular activities to enhance skills development for learners while in school, sensitization of communities on their roles and responsibilities on child protection as well as strengthening roles of the school management committees is encouraged. Advocacy to increase on funding in education, the number of teachers and accommodation is also integrated.
The program seeks to build women and female youth’ capacities by equipping them with functional knowledge and skills to make informed decisions and take up new leadership roles and responsibilities. Capacity building of group members and management committees such as leaders, WASH, production and Loans committees, on gender and human rights trainings, good governance, advocacy and lobbying, adult learning; digital literacy and organizational capacity development trainings is enhanced. Use of music dance and drama, community dialogues, will be promoted to create awareness on gender-based violence, human rights and other topical issues. Learning among groups is harnessed through exchange visits as well as access to ICT tools. The program also enhances their capacity to make informed decisions and elevate their engagements in development interventions including economic activities, governance of WASH, education and environment.